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Consejos de conservación


Important information about conservation and essential care so that your flowers and plants have a longer life. If you would like further details and information on the subject, please contact our Customer Service Center and speak to one of our specialists.

Main Care for Single Flowers and Flowers in Bouquets

Initial care: When receiving the flowers, remove the packaging, cut 2 cm from the base of the stems using a sharp knife or scissors, if possible under water, to facilitate water absorption.

Cleaning: Remove the leaves that will be submerged in water to avoid the proliferation of bacteria. Over time, some flowers and leaves may wither, remove them with scissors.

Maintenance: Replace the water in the toilet daily; Wash the vase at each water change and cut the stem as described in initial care. Do not spray water on the flowers.

Light: Keep your flowers in a cool, well-lit place, do not expose the flowers directly to the sun.

Main Care for Flowers in Arrangements

Conservation: Wet the arrangement directly on the floral foam base daily, at least once a day. Pour the water slowly, waiting for the foam to absorb the water completely. Do not spray water on the flowers.

Light: Keep your flowers in a cool place, do not expose the arrangement directly to the sun.

Cleaning: Over time, some flowers and leaves may wilt, remove them with scissors.

Main Care for Planted Flowers

Watering: The amount of water that each plant needs varies. The ideal is to always water when the soil is dry. To check whether the soil (or substrate) is dry or moist, use your fingertips. In general, water twice a week with little water each time. Excess water is much more harmful than lack, the ideal is to seek a balance.

Important: Do not let water accumulate at the bottom of the pot.

Cleaning: Clean the plants frequently by removing dry and/or diseased leaves and flowers, using scissors.

Light: Keep your plant in a cool, well-lit place, avoid direct exposure to the sun.

Main Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids

Origin: Indonesia and Philippines, and as a tropical orchid it prefers temperatures between 18 and 28 degrees. Avoid exposing your Phalaenopsis to frost and cold winds.

Watering: Watering should be done every 15 days when the pot is very light. After watering, remove excess water so that the roots do not become damaged or even rot.

Fertilization: It is recommended to fertilize once a month, with specific fertilizer, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Light: Place your plant in a well-lit and well-ventilated place, preferably where the plant can receive morning sun. When the plant is without flowers, it is preferable to leave it in the area or in the garden in a place well protected from the midday sun (for example: under a tree).

Flowering: When the flowers fade, cut the stem, leaving 20 cm on the plant: another cluster of flowers may appear on the stem, later in the same year. Another stem may also come off the plant next year. In its natural habitat, Phalaenopsis flowers after the cold season, when the bud is formed. This is why peak flowering occurs in early spring.

Special Care: Avoid places with air conditioning and exposure to dichroic or halogen lamps.

Main Care for Cymbiduns Orchids

General information: Most cymbidium orchids adapt best in regions with a cold climate.

Watering: Watering should be done when the substrate is dry. In an indoor environment, if possible, spray water on the leaves daily (do not wet the flowers). Do not let water accumulate at the bottom of the pot.

Fertilization: When the plant begins to sprout, it is recommended to fertilize it once a month, with organic fertilizer.

Light: Place your Orchid in a well-lit and well-ventilated place (avoid wind), preferably where the plant can receive the morning sun. When the plant is without flowers, it is preferable to leave it in the area or in the garden in a place protected from the midday sun (for example: under a tree).

Flowering: Some bloom in autumn, but most flower in winter and spring.

Top Care for Catleya Orchids

General information: Most Catleya orchids adapt best in regions with cold climates.

Watering: Watering should be done when the substrate is dry. In an indoor environment, if possible, spray water on the leaves daily (do not wet the flowers). Do not let water accumulate at the bottom of the pot.
Fertilization: When the plant begins to sprout, it is recommended to fertilize it once a month, with organic fertilizer.

Light: Place your Orchid in a well-lit and well-ventilated place (avoid wind), preferably where the plant can receive the morning sun. When the plant is without flowers, it is preferable to leave it in the area or in the garden in a place protected from the midday sun (for example: under a tree).