Basket My Great Love
Surprise your love with refinement and good taste.
Croissants, Stuffed Breads, Sweets and Honey, Ham, Prato Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, Polenguinho, Cream Cheese, Yogurts, Apples, Pears, Bunch of Grapes, Sugar, Sweetener, Gingerbread, Chocolate Sticks, Coffee Soluble, Cappuccino, Fruit Juices, Fruit Cake, Cereal Bars, Ritter Honey, Cookies, Chocolate Milk, Hazelnut Nucite, Bauducco Toast, Fruit Jellies, Biscuits; Tea Sachets, 2 Mugs and a Beautiful Flower Arrangement
Breakfast, Afternoon Tea or Supper Basket.