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Delicious Fruits

De R$348,00

Per R$299,00

In up to 3 installments of R$99,67 without interest
5% discount paying with Pix
Descrição:Surprise with health and flavor! The Delicious Fruits box brings a selection of fresh fruits in a beautiful lacquered wooden box, perfect for gifting with originality and affection. Fast delivery in Rio de Janeiro, Niterói, and São Paulo. #FruitBasket #FreshFruits #HealthyGift #SameDayDelivery #FlowerDeliveryRJ #Flow
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  • 28 cm
  • 28 cm
  • Cód. Produto: 1311
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Delicious Fruits

Beautiful white lacquered wooden box, adorned with satin ribbons, filled with tasty fresh fruits. An innovative gift!


Excellent choice

This beautiful gift can be even more surprising if you include accessories. We have several suggestions: stuffed animals, truffles, chocolates, alfajor, cookies, among others. To include click on buy more products, if you are satisfied with the items you selected click on continue to complete the purchase


A Gift to You

With all purchases you get a beautiful card/envelope in coated paper to be laser printed with your message that will be delivered with your gift.


Personal Message

There is space for you to type a beautiful message that will be printed on a gorgeous card. If you don't want to identify yourself, it's simple, just don't sign and the message that will remain anonymous.


Attention: The images are similar to the products that will be delivered, and there may be variations in their characteristics.