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Exchanges and Returns

Acceptance and return

The Customer must examine the product immediately after delivery, and within the legal period of preferably within 3 days. Since we work with perishable products, this analysis must be the as soon as possible.

Once this period has elapsed, the product will be considered accepted by the Customer. Under the terms of Floresnet Exchange and Return Policy the Customer may request a return. You must return the product in its original packaging, without any type of damage. Along with the product, it is necessary to DANFE (Electronic Invoice Auxiliary Document) sent with your order.

Returns of products without order identification (DANFE) will not be accepted. After return of the shipment on our basis, a period of 07 (seven) calendar days will be counted for cancellation and return of values. The cancellation procedure must be carried out through the Customer Service. Customer Service (SAC), via email or [email protected] by phone (21) 2622.0606

The product will be collected by one of our carriers, it is essential that the address where the delivery was made is the same as the pick-up.

The product must always be returned accompanied by a copy of the invoice, describing the reason return details on the back. The absence of the invoice with the description will prevent the identification of your request, causing delays in the exchange process or refund of the amount paid. So don't let to describe the reason for the return on the back of the invoice.

Jurisprudence rejects the exercise of the right of repentance in relation to perishable goods, such as Dr. Orlando Celso da Silva Neto, according to whom "there are contracts signed at a distance that do not may be subject to repentance, such as those dealing with perishable goods or goods/services for immediate consumption (which are extinguished by use)"

Rightly, law 14.010/20 recognized that the consumer cannot exercise the right to repentance with respect to perishable products and, through such limitation, prevents the abuse of right.

The Consumer Protection Code requires that there be balance in consumer relations, based on in good faith, as required by art. 4th, III:

III - harmonization of the interests of participants in consumer relations and compatibility of consumer protection with the need for economic and technological development, in order to to make viable the principles on which the economic order is based (art. 170, of the Federal Constitution), always based on good faith and balance in relationships between consumers and suppliers